MySQL operations for user creation and backup

November 22nd, 2012

Below are some commands that are usefull when working with MySQL databases. The commands are here as a reminder to myself. I do not intend to write a long articles on how and why they work. Squar brackets and the text inside needs to be replaced with your own informatin, meaning you only type the square brackets if it is part of the username or database name.

Create user with access to everything

mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON . TO '[username]'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password' WITH GRANT OPTION;

Backup all databases

$ mysqldump -u [username] -p --all-databases > dumpfile.sql

Backup selected databases

$ mysqldump -u [username] -p [database name] > dumpfile.sql

Restore all databases

$ mysql -u [username] -p < dumpfile.sql 

Restore selected databases

$ mysql -u [username] -p [database name] < dumpfile.sql


